Tuesday, September 11, 2012

10 September 2012

Hey Family,

So, this week not too much happened. Had our ward conference, got to see a few people in stake callings that I knew. So that was cool. We had a zone meeting, where the whole zone got together for 3 hours and the zone leaders trained us. They trained separately. I liked the first zone leaders training, but I didn't so much like the second one. The second frustrated everybody. He was pretty much telling us to step it up and be better because "they"(the zone leaders) were carrying the zone numbers wise. It was really stupid. It's just that one zone leader though, the other one is really nice.

The rest of the week was nice though. Met some interesting people, as per usual. We tracted into a nerdy frat house. We talked to one of the guys for a really long time and he recorded our conversation to put on his website. His websites purpose is to show that people can get along while talking about their opinions and stand points without arguing. It's a really good idea and intention. It was just really awkward.

We also taught an old guy this week who we are going to meet with again this week and he offered to take us out to dinner. So that is pretty sweet.

I loved the package by the way. The other set of elders in Terre Haute stayed the night last night and I made the biscuits and gravy this morning. It was really good. Thank you so much. And the banana bread is super good too.

I am going to be getting another box or 2 today so I can start packing more things in them to send home. So be looking for more boxes in the next couple of weeks.

Sounds like you just need to stay away from knives for the rest of your life, mom. You just have a bad track record with them. Maybe you should have somebody else cut stuff for you. I still haven't had any stitches ever, I should have when I cut my finger on the rafting trip, but it wasn't available. Oh, well. I think I am the only one in the family that has never had stitches or broken bones. I don't think I have ever had to go to the emergency room because of me, except for when I was born.

Well, that is kinda weird that I haven't met Mitchell's girlfriend either. It is just gonna be weird coming home and meeting all these new people. The thing I want to do the most, besides being with my family of course, is getting back in contact with my friends. I haven't heard from them in 2 years except for Tyler, so I really want to hang out with them again.

Well, I have been doing good this week. We found 2 new investigators, so that was exciting. We are going to have our stake conference this coming Saturday and Sunday. There is going to be Elder Archibald from the 6th quorum of the seventy coming. And I am going to get to see everybody that I know from the University ward and Bedford. I am super stoked for that.

We are also having President interviews this Wednesday, pretty excited about that as well. My last one before my departing interview in the mission home. Crazy!
So that is pretty much what is going on here.

Elder Robertson

4 September 2012

Hey Family,
So this week was pretty good. We had a lot of things cancel on us, but we didn't let that bother us. One thing that did bother me though was when I had to report district numbers to the zone leaders. So as a district, we had 11 lessons among the 3 companionships. The zone leader I was talking to was like, "we had 11 lessons just by ourselves".  He just couldn't accept that that many lessons could cancel. It was stupid.
We had a great preparation day yesterday though. So on Sunday night, the other 2 companionships came and slept over at our apartment. So there was 6 missionaries in that apartment, it was so much fun. It was like a district slumber party. We won't be doing it ever again because we didn't get to sleep until after midnight. We did a lot of physical activity at the church and it was super fun. We are all super sore today though. and I jammed one of my toes really bad and it hurts a lot, but oh well. It was totally worth it.
We had a few good lessons with some investigators. We haven't been able to meet with most of them though. We are doing a lot of tracting and stuff and trying to get in contact with those people that I told you about last week. Not too much is happening around here though, we are just trying to meet with people consistently and helping a few of them progress towards baptism.
I got another crazy email today. It was my final flight itinerary. I can't believe it is this close. I love my mission and all, but I am exhausted and worn out. I am kinda excited to get home and rest a while.
Oh! Cool story. So this member was visiting some family in the area and he came to our ward on Sunday. He is from Rexburg, Idaho and I told him I would be going to school up there. He was like "you should totally get in contact with me when you get up there and I'll hook you up." So looks like I am getting some connections up there.
So that was my week.
Well, I have to get off now so I can go do missionary work, Love you!!
Elder Robertson

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

27 August 2012

Hey Family,
So last week I said I was unhappy about being transferred. I'm not anymore! I now know that I was transferred here to Terre Haute to see a little bit of success before I go home. Brownsburg was a sweet area with the coolest ward ever, but the work was very, very slow. Here it seems like people are much more open to listen. I am in the Honey Creek ward in Terre Haute. The ward here is pretty cool too, the sacrament meeting yesterday was pretty sweet. The last speaker was hilarious. My new companion's name is Elder Ewell, he is from Murray, Utah. He has been out 6 months. So I am not training anymore which I am happy about because the missionary I was training wouldn't talk ever. So this is a nice change. This missionary is a clutz though. The day after transfers, he crashed on his bike and apparently he does that pretty often. It was really funny cause I was riding behind him and he just went down suddenly and while he was sliding he was like "dang it!" It was super funny.
Mom, you are going to love this, you too Hailey. There is a girl who just got baptized about a month ago. Her name is ***** Disney, and guess who her great, great uncle is. You guessed it, it's Walt Disney! She is super cool too. She texted us last night and told us that one of her essays got published in a book, so she is officially an author now. She is going to be fixing some clothes of mine cause she is a seamstress.
The work is going very well here. We are teaching a family that will be getting baptized in September. It looks like I will be giving a lot of baptism interviews in September because the two other areas in the district have a few people on baptism dates this upcoming month. So that is exciting. There are also a few young men in the ward that are preparing for missions right now. They like to help us out and they are super cool.
We had a super cool experience on Friday while we were tracting. So we start tracting this street and it turns out that it is not much of a street, all the houses were facing the next street over. So we keep walking down this "street" and then it just turns into this guy's backyard. We walk up just as he is walking over to his archery target to pull out his arrows. So we go up and I start talking to him about bow hunting. Turns out he is heading out of town to go to Tennessee to do some boar hunting with his bow. He has also been to Iraq and got back a few years ago. He also said that he met some mormons in the army and he has read the whole Book of Mormon. So we would have tried to teach him right there but he was about to head out. So we set up another time to go back and teach him. The he let us cut thru his yard to get to the other street so we could knock on some doors. So we knock a few houses and we got let into another house of a young couple who has been married for 2 years and the wife grew up mormon but her dad got excommunicated when she was 7 so her family quit going and she never got baptized. We got to set up a return appointment for Tuesday and they are going to get a pizza for us because she said that her mom would kill her if she didn't feed us. Then we continued tracting. We knocked on a few more doors and finally an old man came out on his front step to talk with us. We came to find out that his wife died not too long ago, he got all emotional while talking about it. We were able to testify that he would see her again and that they could be together forever. He had a total change of heart while we were there. It started off with him saying that missionaries had already come by and that he usually tells them he goes to the church down the road. By the end he said that we could come back. It was awesome. But that is not the end. So we start heading down the road because it is getting to be about the time that we leave. We came across a little dog in front of a house, it didn't have a collar on so we didn't know if it belonged to them or not. This guy from the house behind us came out and got his mail. He said that dog did belong to those people and that it was super annoying. So we were about to walk away because we were going to go to our next plan but the guy said "so what do you guys do?" We told him who we were and he said "well your gonna have a tough time with me!" So we get to talking with him and he has been in an accident at his job which left him unable to work anymore, his wife left him shortly thereafter, he is constantly in pain because of his condition now, and he said the only thing that has kept him from committing suicide is his kids. So we continued talking with him and he asked us why God would let those things happen to him. So we pulled out a copy of the Book of Mormon and showed him 2 scriptures, one out of the Isaiah chapters in first Nephi and then Ether 12:27. He loved those scriptures. We then offered him the copy of the Book of Mormon we were holding and he very gratefully received it. Then we exchanged goodbyes and he said as we were leaving "thanks guys, you just recharged my batteries!" This was the most spiritual experience I have had on my mission while tracting. God made everything happen during that time to allow us to be walking by that guys house when he came outside. He even said it himself, "there must have been some reason God put you here when I came outside." God definitely prepares his children!
This has definitely been one of the best weeks of my mission.
Elder Robertson

20 August 2012

Hey family,

I'm not very happy today. Because I got the call, once again, that I am being transferred. It doesn't make any sense. I have only been here for one transfer and I only have one transfer left, I don't know why they would move me now. I wanted to stay here so bad, this is a sweet ward. We had to give talks on yesterday by the way. I am pretty upset about moving AGAIN. I thought I was done moving.

Well if you want to know about the work, it was slow again this week. We tried committing somebody to baptism but they declined. It was a part member family. The husband is coming back into activity, he picked up tobacco while he was inactive. The 2 kids were recently baptized a few months ago. So we invited the nonmember wife to be baptized. She said no because she was waiting for her husband to be worthy to baptize her. He even said that she didn't have to wait for him and that he didn't want to hold her back. But she couldn't see anybody else baptizing her but him. So we understood.

That was pretty much the only big thing that happened this week. We were told on Wednesday night that they needed us to speak in sacrament meeting. So at least we were given more heads up than a call on Saturday afternoon. This talk went fairly well I think. I wasn't shaky or nervous or anything. Elder Madsen on the other hand was super shaky and visibly nervous. I was sitting next to another speaker who was baptized about 2 months ago, she's an 18 year old girl and super funny. I spoke on the Restoration and Elder Madsen spoke on the Plan of Salvation, the first 2 lessons in Preach My Gospel. We pretty much taught a lesson over the pulpit. It was sweet.

Also on Wednesday night, we went to a mens choir practice that the ward is doing. It is so cool, I am super bummed that I won't be able to do it anymore. They are doing everything acappella. I am going to copy the music and maybe we can sing it as a family when I get home. That would be awesome!

Anyways, that was my week.

Elder Robertson

Thursday, August 16, 2012

13 August 2012

Hey Family,

So this week I had my final zone conference. Which usually means that I would have to bear my testimony. But, for whatever reason, they didn't have the departing missionaries bear their testimonies. I think it was because Elder Christoffel Golden Jr. was there and we were doing things his way. So, I didn't have to bear my testimony. I was kinda looking forward to it, but whatever. The zone conference was sweet though, Elder Golden was awesome. So was everybody else's trainings. Sister Golden told us something I hadn't known. She was talking about Mother Theresa and how she was a catholic nun. She told us that when she had died, the catholic church canonized her, which means they turned her into a saint. So that was pretty interesting. I also had to get my temple recommend renewed by President Collins after all the meetings were over.

So the work was slow again this week. Funny story though. So a few weeks ago we tracted into this 16 year old girl who was home alone. So we asked if we could come back to talk with her parents sometime. She told us that probably the only time we would be able to meet them was that night because they were leaving for a mission trip the following week and would be gone for a week. So we went by that night and nobody was home. So we waited until this last Saturday to go back. So we went there at about 2 in the afternoon. The same girl answered and told us her parents weren't home again. So we asked for another time that they would be home and she said that we could try back later that night but she wasn't totally sure they would be home. So we went back that night anyways. She was still the only one home. So we were talking with her for a few minutes, then she started trying to end the conversation by saying that we had interrupted her playing Assassin's Creed. I was like "your a gamer!?" It was pretty funny. So then we talked for another 10 minutes. She is super into videogames, it's just stupid silly. There's your story Hailey.

We went to Why I Believe last night, it was pretty cool. There were lots of speakers. One of them was a convert from the ward I am serving in right now. She is an 18 year old girl, and she just got called to be the Laurels president. She is super funny too. Hailey, you would love her.

So that was pretty much my week. Hope you liked the stories!

Elder Robertson

6 August 2012

Hey Family,

So this week was pretty slow. We didn't have many lessons. We had some lessons that were scheduled, but they all cancelled. It has been a very long week. We are struggling to find new investigators. We are doing all we can, but for some reason, it is still a very slow process.

This week should be fun though. We have zone conference on Friday, which I will have to bear my departing testimonty at because it will be my last zone conference. Elder Christoffel Golden Jr. is going to be there, from the 70. He will be going around to random missionaries apartments and inspecting them. We don't know if he will do ours, but since we are close to the mission home, we may get a visit. We are going to have to make sure our apartment stays clean all week long.

So that is pretty much what is going on out here. We have some teaching appointments this week, so hopefully they won't cancel this time. I had a fun exchange with our zone leaders this week though. His name is Elder Lyman and he was super funny. He is a spanish missionary, so he was telling me how first contacts with mexicans go. Usually they will agree with everything you say, they will say that Joseph Smith is totally a prophet, and then when you commit them to be baptized, they say, "I can't, I'm catholic." It was pretty funny because they all say the same thing!

So that was my week.

Elder Robertson

Hey Mom,

I'm doing alright. We are just having a lack of success here in Brownsburg. We are doing our best to turn it around, but it is just hard. I'm not really that discouraged, but what is getting me down is the fact that Elder Madsen is getting discouraged. I just want him to see success as a missionary and I want to set the standard for him. It has been on my mind this whole transfer because he is a new missionary. I just want to be a good example to him.

The weather has been really freakin hot the past few days. Luckily we got a little bit of rain Saturday and early Sunday morning. I just hope we get some more rain soon to help it cool down here. This summer has been flying by though, despite the ridiculous heat.

Yeah, it is a little frightening to think about bearing my testimony in front of a general authority, but I won't be looking at him, I'll be looking at 3 zones worth of missionaries. I can't believe the time is already here for me to do this. The last time I was up at the pulpit at a zone conference was when I gave my testimony at my first zone conference. It's crazy!

I am proud of you for standing up for what we all know to be true. Way to go!

Elder Robertson
So that was my week,

Elder Robertson

30 July 2012

Hey Family,

So this week was pretty sweet. We got to go on exchanges with the assistants on Tuesday. I went with Elder Mecham, who has been out as long as I have. It was a lot of fun being with him. Since the assistants don't ride bikes very much, he was pretty pooped by the end of the day. We had a trainer/trainee meeting on Thursday. That was awesome. We received training from President Collins and each of the assistants. I always love hearing from our beloved mission president.

So Elder Madsen went with Elder Ovard on his exchange on Tuesday. They got to teach a few lessons. One of which they set a baptism date with. Unfortunately, we found out at church that the person they commited to baptism was drunk. So we aren't counting that until we are able to have another lesson with him. Elder Mecham and I just did a lot of biking and tracting. We did find a few potential investigators though, so that was cool.

We had a nice dinner with a family on Wednesday night. They told of some ghost stories in their house. I couldn't get to sleep that night :(

So that was pretty much our week. We just did a lot of going by less-active members, tracting, and eating at people's houses.

Elder Robertson